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Hey there! My name's Andrew Liu. I'm a software engineer/angel investor/event host/comedian/volunteer living in the Washington DC area.

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About me


  1. I'm currently at Google working on the Privacy Sandbox. Much earlier in my career, I worked on authentication at Google. (Literally the login page.) I was also the former maintainer of Google Authenticator.
  2. There was a 5-year gap between my two tours of duty at Google. During that time, I was at cybersecurity startup called Stairwell and an AI startup called Scale AI. During my time there, Scale became a unicorn, and I founded the company's machine learning infrastructure team.
  3. I graduated Magna Cum Laude from the University of Maryland in computer science. While a student, I also published some security research.


  • I trained in classical piano for 12 years before stopping in college. Recently I've started picking it back up.
  • In high school, I played Go competitively. I peaked a 1 kyu before stopping in college.
  • I currently train Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and dabbled in Muay Thai back in the day.
  • Occasionally I perform improv and standup comedy. There's a video of me performing a set at the DC Improv lurking somewhere on the Internet.
  • I'm the vice president of the Asian Pacific Alumni Network for the University of Maryland, College Park. (If you're an Asian UMD alum or know of anyone who is, please hit me up. I'd love to chat with you.)

Open Invitation

Don't be a passive reader.

  • Find any of these topics interesting? Don't be shy. Share your thoughts.
  • I love feedback. If my writing is crap, let me know.
  • Hold me accountable. If you haven't seen any updates recently, call me out.
  • Feel free to just say hello. I won't bite.

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