This page talks about what I'm up to right now. Based on
Moving (in more than one sense) 🏠
I returned to Google in July! I'm working in their Washington DC office. I recently moved to Crystal City too.
The move to NoVA was ironically inspired by a recent trip to New York City. It reminded me how much I like clean places.
Improv 🎭
I started doing improv. A few years ago, I would have been terrified of that very concept. But it's loads of fun and the highlight of my week. My goal? Trick everyone into thinking I'm an extrovert. I ended up taking two levels of classes over 2023; it was such an enjoyable experience.
In June 2024, I resumed improv. My plan is to resume standup comedy too.
Cocktail Parties 🍸
On Memorial Day 2023, I hosted a cocktail party at my house. It was inspired by Nick Gray's book. Later, I hosted another one in September. And then I hosted a holiday party. Over 2023, I've become a lot better at organizing social gatherings.
Not much happened in 2024 until after I switched jobs and locations. Then I hosted a housewarming party on July 4.
Hit me up if you live in the DMV area!
Travels 🇳🇱 🇬🇧 🇨🇳
This year's travels have mostly been around work. I just returned from Defcon in Las Vegas. A few months ago, I was at BSides in San Fracisco, which was like a smaller and better-run version of Defcon.
In late 2023, I went to China and the UK. It was the first time in 20 years that I'd been in China. The place has modernized quite fast. And it's good to get a first-hand perspective of the Eastern worldview. Generally in the West, people fundamentally misunderstand how the Chinese think, because the cultures are so different.
Snowboarding 🏂
In 2022, I tried out skiing. It was fun, but I wouldn't say it was something I'd enjoy in the long term. In 2023, I began snowboarding. It's harder to get started, it's a lot more fun once you start to get it. I can do black trails now! They say that a snowboarder's learning rate is exponential; empirically, that's been true for me.
I recently came back from a trip to Tahoe in Q1 2024.
Standup Comedy 🎤
In May and December 2023, I was taking standup comedy classes and going to open mics. The classes have since ended, and I performed at the DC Improv for my graduation show. The performance went pretty well if I do say so myself. There's a video; reach out if you want to see my set. ;)
Jiu-Jitsu 🥋
Due to the ski season and moving, I paused Muay Thai and BJJ classes last year. The original plan was to resume after the season ends, but there's no reason to delay that much. In January 2023, I resumed taking BJJ classes. BJJ has been a ton of fun so far. I recently got my fourth stripe.